Tuesday, May 5, 2015

For Future Reference... Feel Free To Share.

Take Heed: "Whoso FINDETH A WIFE findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD." - Proverbs 18:22 (KJV)... Ladies, STOP LOOKING FOR A HUSBAND & LET HE, WHOM GOD HAS PREPARED/IS PREPARING FOR YOU, FIND YOU. Take a note from Ruth, SHE DID NOT POSITION HERSELF, for Boaz to find her, but GOD POSITIONED HER, WHERE SHE WOULD BE FOUND BY HIM, DOING GOD'S WILL... "A woman should be so lost in God, that a man must first seek Him, in order to find her." 

I gotta be honest... Although I'm searching, desiring to be someone's Boaz, I know He's still preparing me, and her too. Yet it takes time for refinement. But my helpmeet & I... We'll grow in Him... Together.

For those social network relationship statuses which read, "It's complicated," they are ALL complicated from time to time, so make up your minds. For those "In an open relationship," close the door on it. God didn't design, nor ordain that for any of us, "Separated, Divorced, Widowed," get over it, yesterday is gone, and will never return, behold all things have become new. "In a domestic partnership..?" Yeah right, I never saw anyone sign a "Domestic Partnership License." Stop fooling yourself... Let go & let God.

Something about a friend like me... Deal with me, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32 (KJV)... The time is long overdue for you to be delivered from bondage, and the doors have been open for quite some time now... Are you you going to walk through them, out of captivity, and into peace? Make your choices, don't let anyone make them for you... Sometimes the truth hurts, but only when it helps you, and I'm sure I stepped on some toes, necks, heads & heels with this one, but it was suddenly laid heavy on my heart. Be blessed...

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" - Eccl. 3:1 (KJV)... We ALL have ourselves, and some people close to us that NEED to know this, AND LIVE BY IT, by denying self, and denying the flesh, & though it's not an easy task, the strength is already within us. If the Holy Spirit doesn't bring them under conviction, then there's an underlying, serious problem...

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