Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Lesson for Everlasting Life: Soul Winning... Sharing What I Learned

It is written, "Let your speech be always with grace, but also seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer every man." - Col. 4:6... Likewise, "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, YOU WHO ARE SPIRITUAL RESTORE SUCH A ONE IN THE SPIRIT OF GENTLENESS, CONSIDERING YOURSELF lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." - Gal. 6:1-2

Take this into consideration... "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." - Rom. 8:1... Back to the salt... Being that we're the "salt of the earth." (Matt. 5:13... If we're aware of some characteristics of salt, it's used as a preservative, it's used to "season" things, to "cure" meat, to "purge out impurities," etc... Yet TOO much salt makes things bitter, indigestible, and can be detrimental to your health. With that in mind, the truth of the Gospel is gonna sting a lil' bit, have a lil' bite to it. So when presenting the Word, to the believer as well as the non-believer, our SERMONS/MESSAGES SHOULD NOT BEAT THE PEOPLE, constantly exposing their sins, being that we're not perfect ourselves, and ALL have our own issues/struggles. Now they should "PRICK" the hearts, yet NOT PUNCH them. Being receptive to the message is key, but who's going to receive that which is shaming & demeaning, making a person feel like they're the scum of the earth? We have to preach the truth, the Good News, that God is a loving forgiving God, and there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ, and at the same time, "God Don't Play No Games!"

The word Christian is defined as being "Christ-like." So take a note from Jesus ministry. Though He called out demons, and showed many how they were in err, He EMBRACED the sinner and the backslider, CALLING them to repentance, and LOVING them, NOT ENRAGED, INFLAMED AND ENGULFED THEM IN GUILT... People already know where they fall short, that's why most of us attend church. They're looking for healing, but they DON'T come up for the altar call... They DON'T come up for prayer & deliverance, because they're feeling ashamed, like the preacher told everybody "their business." They leave with their heads hanging, because Rev. done beat em' up with the Word for 2-3 hours, when they were already tired... But THEY REALLY WANT healing, and ARE SEEKING deliverance, for many are sick and tired of fighting & battling, waging war against spiritual attacks and losing, being repeatedly defeated because they're fighting with the flesh.

They want to know how to be free, and Who sets them free... PERMANENTLY. For, "whom the Son set free is free indeed." The Word says, "He that WINS SOULS is wise."... Again, the goal & purpose of the sermons are to teach the congregation whom God says they are, whom He created them to be, how to live & walk by faith, as opposed to living by their emotions and feelings, how to exercising the power & authority we've ALL been given OVER ALL power of the enemy THROUGH CHRIST. Not to run them away by preaching at them, but preaching to them... The Great Commission is to go forth throughout the world teaching and preaching the Good News of salvation... To show that we serve a merciful, loving, forgiving God, who's waiting to deliver us from all our troubles, through the belief and acceptance of His Son Jesus Christ... He that WINS souls is wise... Be blessed.

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