"Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.... And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs or a part of his side and closed up the [place with] flesh. And the rib or part of his side which the Lord God had taken from the man He built up and made into a woman, and He brought her to the man." - Genesis 2:18, 21-22 (AMP)
Allow me to speak on behalf of the believing, faith-filled, saved, God-fearing Christian men, the ONLY REAL men. We're the good men that many have been deemed hard to find. Perhaps we can't be found, because we're supposed to be led to you without your looking, for whoso finds a wife, finds a good thing... It's not a wonder many fall for the fools, the users and abusers whom take you for granted, those whom appeal to your appetites & senses, yet don't have the sense to realize you're sensual...
We're men... We're strong... We work. We love. We provide. We're the one's that are there with a listening ear, our shoulders for you to cry on, yet we also cry... We don't disclose much, for we feel as if what we have on our minds, what weighs heavy upon our hearts, is too much for you to bear. Therefore we attempt to understand your passions and your pains, in hopes to find ways to eliminate our troubling cares...
We see the strength in you... We know you're stronger than we are, for there's no way in hell our bodies could bear the discomfort of ovulation, enduring menstruation, every 28 days for 3-5 days at a time, becoming sublime in an attempt aiming to conceive, to be a blessing to us, carry and deliver our seed... It hurts us to know you bleed...
It's not a lie but the complete truth, that we were given the charge to be fruitful and multiply. To diligently dedicate ourselves to dominate in the dominion which Adam let fall before his eyes. We REAL men don't perceive Eve as the fall guy... For we studied to show ourselves approved, reading the scripture and realizing that Adam "was with her," when she was deceived, yet he remained silent, so we place the blame all on that fool...
Nevertheless, WE NEED YOU... The reason that God formed you is to be our helpmeet, to assist... To be that "rib," supporting and protecting our internal intricacies, as well as our extremities. To "help" us meet both our needs, fulfill our purposes and destinies, without questioning God's perplexities, directing us to abide in, trust and become complete in Him...
NOT so that either of us would revert to the errors and sins of Sodom and Gomorrah... Abandoning the ability to procreate or multiply as God intended, by becoming deceived as if Adam & Eve were in fact Adam & Steve, or Eve & Ellen... Rebelling living low & horribly, acquiring, adopting, accepting, voluntarily choosing to be perceived as the Word states, "an abomination unto God..." NO... It would be rather pleasing to both of us that we share with you the rod...... of correction...
Any discretion would be rendered indiscreet, truthfully on another plane, completely opposite from infidelity, lust and adultery... Though the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, there's no need to sneak, creep, side-eyed peek trying to get a piece, when we can savagely wreak havoc not only between, but atop or without, we could scream and shout until we rip the sheets... For it is written, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled..." between a husband... And his helpmeet...
Women, come out of your shell... We're waiting for you.
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