Thursday, September 12, 2013


"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Sometimes we pray, and we ask God for things that we feel we "deserve," or that we're "ready for," and in we truly feel very passionate about these things in our minds & hearts. However, just because "we feel" a certain way, doesn't necessarily means that these things, whatever they may be, are in God's timing, season or even His will for our lives, or that He feels we're "ready." Believe it or not, sometimes God gives us "a sample" of what He has in store for us, just a little taste of it to see how we'll handle it. Many times, He blesses us with just what we asked for, and we don't even recognize it because it's not in the "perfect package" we envisioned it would be in. And sometimes, we have to let go of what stresses us, which we may feel is right for us, when God really has much greater in store. For instance, we're often forewarned of being unequally yoked, knowing that God has clearly shown us so, but praying, hoping and believing they will change. Though we love them, we figure that their hearts are more loving than they allow it them be. But the truth is that we have to accept people for who they are, as well as be willing to reject them and love ourselves enough to let go of who God says they are not... (Hard lesson learned in my last relationship.) But God will NEVER allow us to suffer for too long. Only that we may see, and learn what not to accept the next time around. Keep in mind that we cannot change one another, but one can only change if he/she is willing to allow God to change them... not for us, but for Him. There are many that play on our emotions, lie & deceive to get between the sheets, etc. Referring back to the text, seasons change. And it's getting closer to fall and winter, so take a lesson from nature... While the heat's dying down, and things are just beginning to "fall" off, "fall" apart, etc. Get prepared for the comfort of warmth, that's soon to come when it gets cold all around us... Not just a regular jacket, but the "coating" of the Holy Spirit. The True Comforter.

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