A vessel... She conceptually conceives, carries, nurtures and brings life into this world.
A woman... She's developed, learned, grown, matured, and left behind being a girl.
A daughter... She abides and delights in her Father's instruction, precious in His eyes.
As a mother... She guides with the wisdom of the most High God, casting all other things aside.
Her strength... Frame becoming a carriage, hips a cradle, her abdomen expanding into an incubator.
Her resilience... Repetitious heartache, misuse, abuse and abandonment, yet they still underestimate her.
Her support role... It's amazing that God commands we men to lead, yet deems we not be alone.
Her design... He took from us what strengthened us, beautifully crafting flesh from just a bone.
She's a gift... Taken from man, and given back to him, to help him fulfill his assignment.
Her freedom... She's to cared for, appreciated, protected, provided for, not controlled or jealously kept in confinement.
She demands respect, for she respects herself... She's worth waiting, working and even suffering for.
She's to be covered in prayer and loved, as God heals and delivers her from the yokes and bondage she's been under... Precious Ribs.
The attributes of a rib : SURROUND the chest, ENABLING the lungs to expand and thus FACILITATE breathing by EXPANDING the chest cavity. They PROVIDE SUPPORT, and serve to PROTECT the LUNGS, HEART, and other internal organs.
The Help Meet... She SURROUNDS her husband, encompassing him with love. She ENABLES him, FACILITATING his EXPANSION, SUPPORTING him as God enlarges their territory. She PROTECTS the LUNGS which God has allowed the precious breath of life to flow through, and the HEART, which is filled with His love.
- Erron R. Johnson
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