Saturday, December 27, 2014

Connections... Seasons... Time... Purpose.

"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:" - Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV)

Timing... In this life, we meet many people; some brief encounters, some forming lasting friendships or relationships. And as we grow, we come to learn the difference between associates, enemies, foes, friends and family.

We inwardly search frantically for what comforts us naturally, delicately handling what appeals to our senses. We're often offended feeling defenseless, we stop letting our guard down in hopes to protect us.

But time... When we're young, we don't know what we think that we know, and when we grow older we act like we know. Yet until we've experienced the pain we don't know, that true growth comes by way of first being broke...

Into pieces, our hearts shattered in an instant; we dig deep inside for the hope just to make it, yet sometimes can't locate the strength just to fake it. So we're inevitably left just to take it, one day at a time...

Which waits for no man, we wonder what would have been if things had worked out, with loves from our pasts, which we've gone years without, speaking, some seeing, in case sometimes decades. Yet we hold in our hearts a love which doesn't fade.

Will we see them again, what would we do if we did, would we still like each other, as we did when we were kids? Perhaps it'll never happen, so we keep moving on, we drive through the path of yet another of life's storms...

We come through unharmed, for we've weathered the rain, we've grown to withstand the heartache and pain. Where is the one whom we'll walk with, together, hand in hand? We were set apart to be re-connected to love once again...

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