“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’” And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” - Matthew 19:4-6 (NLT)
We wait... We ask in prayer, and stand in faith awaiting the day that we may embrace.
It would seem that as if time has been delayed...
For many years we've yearned to feel and taste, the essence of intimacy, intriguingly
seeking this thing that many learn to perceive and cleave to as love.
Only God in heaven knows whom He's chose... The ones He carefully, intelligently,
crafted, created and designed to unite as one, only the Father, not even the Son...
Just as in the beginning... To become what He bestowed upon the earth to have dominion,
to be fruitful, multiply, subdue and replenish... the earth.
Man... Woman... Do you know your worth?
Vehemently disobedient to the ordination set forth in the Garden of Eden,
it appears that demons are having their way, taking us off course.
From happily married husband and wife, to frivolous foolishness ending in divorce,
then of course there's the children...
Instead of keeping God in charge of what we were building, we neglect adding ceilings,
no protection from the ravaging storms, and we have no remorse...
But simply let go... Turn away when the winds, rain and snow, envelop our families in the cold,
It's written that the righteous are bold...
As a lion... Yet we come to find the father of lies where he always abides, in deception and neglect,
but what ever happened to respect?
From friends, to lovers, to spouses, to strangers to the thought of, "DAMN! What's next!?!"
Love cannot fail... it will ALWAYS prevail, so we pray and we seek God's best...
He tells us, "Come here, be patient, be still, I'll heal you, and give you rest."
We reflect and remember His care & and compassion, His love always stands the test...
Of time... We don't all go through blindly aiming at nothing, a few of us find the path...
When it's all said and done, we look back and laugh, gaining peace from our horrid pasts.
Only when we let go, when we give God our ALL, when we put EVERYTHING in His hands,
will we come to lay hold of the blessings, unfolding, after having done all, to just stand.
In seeking Him first, we're led to the first love we had 'fore we knew what love was,
In Christ shall we all find our husbands and wives, and be met with agape love.
There's a union that's built on God, blessed of God, and in which God is the head. We must keep Him first in our relationships, for a threefold cord is not easily broken.
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