Monday, January 20, 2014


Today has been reserved as a one to celebrate the life and work of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who can most likely be assured as the most well-known, civil rights leader in history... His dream and vision was quite simple, that there be an end to racism and prejudice. Understanding, (as it's written in the U.S. Constitution,) "that ALL men are created equal... That men and women, should one day NOT be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."... It is to my belief that there are many cultures and nationalities, and there are few of those that have unfortunately been taught to believe that they're right in classifying themselves by a color. Yet in the matter of "race," there's only one here on the planet earth that God created... Human... It's long past time we awake from the dream, embrace, walk, and live in the vision. - Erron SavedbyGrace Johnson

"Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then do we deal faithlessly and treacherously each against his brother, profaning the covenant of [God with] our fathers?" - Malachi 2:10 (AMP)

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