Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Sisters...


I dare not use that term loosely, simply to describe any part of your physicality,
for naturally, that's what you are; not only internally, but intrinsically... beautiful.

You haven't the slightest clue of what I see when I look at you... it's unimaginable.
You cannot fathom the passion I hold for you, which is the greatest love of all.

You're my sister... Without a shadow of a doubt, without second thought,
I'd risk my all, lay down my life, whatever it takes except to deny Christ for you,

For without Him, we have no reason to live, to learn, there'd be no love,
The skies above would be filled with dark clouds, nothing to care for, no reason to smile.

But you... I'm enraged when you're abused, misused, for only a fool would disrespect you,
It's both my privilege & pleasure as well to protect you, I cannot neglect you.

To shield you from harm, shelter you from storms, to take up arms and war for you,
the most precious gift God ever blessed man with... is you.

Truthfully, since the Garden of Eden many serpents have succeeded in deceiving you,
yet I wield the hoe that severs the heads of the whoremongers whom toy with you.

It takes all that I have within, and all Whom we have in heaven to retain my composure,
exposing is done by the Light of the world, yet I stand as a soldier.

Reserved... Well-trained, and fully equipped for combat, hand-to-hand, man-to-man,
to stand and completely obliterate any adversary leaving no chance for survival.

That's my primal instinct... To leave no rival, but to thrive, to be fruitful, and multiply,
to dominate, subdue and replenish, that your joy and peace shall remain.

You're my sister, and I love you.
It's in my heart that I keep that love contained.

"Many women have done wonderful things, but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised
is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God." - Proverbs 31:29-30 (MSG)

By: Erron R. Johnson

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