Monday, March 30, 2015


Levels above sympathy, empathy abides. The heart sheds tears when compassion is evoked; an emotion triggered by thoughts conceived in the mind.

It's simply the position taken from the perception of what lies before our eyes. Truly loving someone more than they love themselves is not non-existent, paradoxical, neither has it been abandoned among mankind.

For another to receive and understand that they're worth more than what can be touched, caressed, kissed and dismissed, though it's one of God's most precious gifts... namely being to give from themselves, of themselves to another, that which is more precious than the finest fruits on any vine, or well-aged wine ever designed, simply confounds me.

Not in such a way as I haven't a degree of comprehension pertaining to such, but that it troubles my spirit and soul, knowing that for temporary comfort of the temporal lobe, we repeatedly sacrifice our hearts upon the same altar of which they've been repeatedly broke... physical "intimacy." Look... "in to Me see" spiritually, Christ gave His life in exchange that we all may be made free

Jesus said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."... Loneliness is a trick in attempt to keep us bound by the enemy.

#LustOfTheFlesh #BeStill #BePatient #LoveGod #TrustGod #LoveAndRespectYourself

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Sisters...


I dare not use that term loosely, simply to describe any part of your physicality,
for naturally, that's what you are; not only internally, but intrinsically... beautiful.

You haven't the slightest clue of what I see when I look at you... it's unimaginable.
You cannot fathom the passion I hold for you, which is the greatest love of all.

You're my sister... Without a shadow of a doubt, without second thought,
I'd risk my all, lay down my life, whatever it takes except to deny Christ for you,

For without Him, we have no reason to live, to learn, there'd be no love,
The skies above would be filled with dark clouds, nothing to care for, no reason to smile.

But you... I'm enraged when you're abused, misused, for only a fool would disrespect you,
It's both my privilege & pleasure as well to protect you, I cannot neglect you.

To shield you from harm, shelter you from storms, to take up arms and war for you,
the most precious gift God ever blessed man with... is you.

Truthfully, since the Garden of Eden many serpents have succeeded in deceiving you,
yet I wield the hoe that severs the heads of the whoremongers whom toy with you.

It takes all that I have within, and all Whom we have in heaven to retain my composure,
exposing is done by the Light of the world, yet I stand as a soldier.

Reserved... Well-trained, and fully equipped for combat, hand-to-hand, man-to-man,
to stand and completely obliterate any adversary leaving no chance for survival.

That's my primal instinct... To leave no rival, but to thrive, to be fruitful, and multiply,
to dominate, subdue and replenish, that your joy and peace shall remain.

You're my sister, and I love you.
It's in my heart that I keep that love contained.

"Many women have done wonderful things, but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised
is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God." - Proverbs 31:29-30 (MSG)

By: Erron R. Johnson

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Don't Settle for Less...

"It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." - Somerset Maugham

This is one of the main reasons that I'm still "comfortably" single... I REFUSE to settle for, or to enter into any relationships, be they business, romantic or otherwise, in which God doesn't lead the woman and I both to be united as one. He MUST be the foundation we build upon, and the sole authority in confirming our coming together. Despite ANY physical attraction or desire, the spiritual MUST FIRST be met THROUGH GOD. For the Word says that He will withhold nothing good from His children. Nevertheless, the devil also knows what appeals to our "senses." So he plans, plots and often succeeds in conspiring our fall into disappointment, disgust, depression and even denial, when we drop our guard and are left open, exposed and defenseless.

I'll be the first to admit that there have been numerous times that my fleshly desires, willful disobedience, impatience, and inherent ignorance to God's instructions have led me wrong; intimately intertwined with women that God delicately crafted, created and designed, yet He didn't intend for them to be mine. However, in my carnal mind, I chose to find a multiplicity of reasons to commit treason to my own very being; my patience & trust in God fleeting, honestly seeking true love, yet not in God's order, marriage before mating... See, my way was indecent.

Giving my all, sacrificing His peace, I found myself aching in pain; see sex was what kept us together... Relationships failed, reunited to no avail, unequally yoked, heartbroken again and again; hiding not behind leaves, yet still I felt ashamed... pleasing each other and displeasing God, fornicating, finding myself repenting time after time, forgive us Lord... for naked we've lain.

For this cause, I relentlessly minister to both the married and the single. I practice what I preach, that we may all see with clarity the preordained ONE God has set forth, as a husband or help meet. There's no need we remain continually deceived by the enemy's need, keeping us bound by feeding our flesh; when we're Spirit-led, God honors the marriage bed... If not, we settle for less than God's best.

"Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord." - Psalm 27:14 (AMP)