Saturday, August 9, 2014

Standing On His Promises...

There was a time I laid awake, dried tears upon my face; my heart wrenched in pain for it appeared love had lost it's place.

Unrequited, disavowed, rejected, crushed without a trace; evidence eradicated, passion burning in my heart's space.

A blessing became a lesson, which all lessons are blessings is what I say; emotionally emotionless, despite a heavy load of heartbreak.

I wondered what happened, I asked the questions I felt were necessary, that I might understand. Your ways, Your thoughts, Your will, You're God... I am simply man.

There's no peace within me, only pain, disdain became my companion; an abandoned soul was what I held, all alone, completely stranded.

I looked to the hills, and found only fields, flat land, perceiving nothing there elevated. I then heard a voice, and comfort came in the midst of hurt, slightly elated.

"My child, My son, I Am your refuge, I Am your hiding place. Take shelter in my wings, and trust in Me along the way."

Is it You Lord?

"Yes... Have I not told You My desires? I've heard your prayers. Have I not supplied you with a vision, who's date does not expire?"

"Your steps are ordered ALL by Me, and I delight in your way. Be comforted for I will protect you, even if they walk away."

"Seek Me, serve Me, preach My Word. Why do you cry when you are safe? I WILL perform it, bring it  to pass, what happened to your Faith?"

But I believe...

"I'm not impressed... I framed the worlds with words I spake. Get up, get back to declaring My Word. Are you not "saved by grace?"

I chuckled and replied, "Yes I am." As my joy became restored. What a range of reactions I experienced, taking my eyes off the Lord.

"God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man, that He should repent." His Word WILL accomplish ALL that He sent it to do, for it's well spent.

I can trust Him for all our sake's, yet your faith is all your own. "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE." That's how our faith is grown.

"In his heart, man plans his course. But the Lord directs His steps." - Proverbs 16:9

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