Friday, December 6, 2019

Married in Purpose...

Marriage is not a mission, neither a goal. That being said, healthy marriages take true commitment, compromise and much sacrifice. It's not just a beautiful bed of roses, but the intermingling and intertwining of two personalities, two lives, multiple love languages, two families and ultimately, two souls.

Nevertheless, it was initially a beautiful, Divinely ordained union of man and woman by God, prior to it's worldly perversion. Fueled by our personal desires such as financial gain or stability, fame, a sense of security and provision received from another, and/or our carnal/fleshly desires, has distorted the true intent of this union.

Marriage is hard work. Effective communication, trust, honesty, transparency and understanding are all building blocks of a healthy love and strong relationship, which none of the aforementioned are possibe to maintain without God.

When we look back to the first marriage, the uniting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we find a man alone, with an assignment, a job, work to do for God. God, (not the man,) saw and said, "It is not good that the man should be alone..." and therefore chose to create Eve from the rib of Adam, to assist/help him to accomplish his God-given tasks, and likewise have dominion over the land, all animals, be fruitful, multiply, subdue and replenish the earth.

What we appear to have gotten away from in this day and age, is joining together in marriage to accomplish a Divine assignment and purpose in satisfying the will of God. Love has been replaced with lusts, and we witness more rejection of God, His Word, and in the worst cases, many are rejecting the sex that they were created and formed to be. As people of faith, we must get back to where God wills us to be, rule, reign and reviving our kingdom authority, as we shine as lights in a darkening world.

In fact, the scripture advises/instructs the unmarried in 1 Corinthians 7 to remain so, that we may devote ourselves more to the Lord, without concern of our attention averted to a spouse. Though we're not all going to be married one day, outside of the church being the bride of Christ, I pray that we may recognize, receive and recompense that God-ordained love that He intended us to possess, in Jesus name... Be blessed.

#Faith #Hope #Love #Patience #LetThatMarinate