Saturday, April 6, 2019

Behind the Scenes

You wouldn't understand if I took you there, the hurt, the wait, the weight, the pain, the pangs, the disdain, the beatings, the battering, the bruises, the sins, the suffering, the crutch, the strength, the faith it takes to push, to press, to praise in the midst of the storm that comes along with the cross I bear.

Yet I'd dare not trade it for the world; not for the millions, or billions, or trillions, not even to become the first man with a zillion, not cars, not houses, not land, not planes, nor trains or yachts, not to sail the seven seas, nor to discover all the hidden mysteries lying beneath every single grain of sand... You would not understand...

How I remain steadfast, focused on the task at hand; some would say I'm a peculiar man... I'm grateful; that all of the arrows, the swords, the darts, the fists, the bricks, the spears, the bullets, the carnal and spiritual weapons designed and purposed to kill me, did NOT fulfill their missions, profit or prosper.

The petitions to God on my behalf by the matriarchs and patriarchs before I knew Him formed the foundation of the field of force that cause battles to continually be loss for my enemies. Many sinisterly befriended me, used my gifts for personal gain, yet I remain unchanged and still pray that God's peace and blessings be with thee... I have no shame.

I was taught there's no greater love than which bore the cross for the world, so that's what I live, a life of love from my heavenly Father; physically, you could not travel by, but only my testimony will take you there - Behind the Scenes.

Faith #Hope #Love #Grateful