Saturday, July 15, 2017

I Wish...

I wish I could embrace you.
Time. Distance. Obstacles. Patience.
Perseverance will allow me to face you.

Fearfully and wonderfully made; blessed art thou and Highly favored among women.
No other can replace you.

I've held your hands on mine in dreams, face to face, exchanging vows, yet now, I cannot trace you.

Whom have I to unite us as one? None but God above; it's in Him that I learned of love, which led me to you.

The manifestation of creation, the rib taken from Adam, the vessel which carries life, you are woman; my queen, I shall cover and crown you.

It is written, "For this cause, shall a man leave his mother and father and shall cleave unto his wife... And the man knew his wife, and they both were naked, and were not ashamed."

Perseverance will allow me to face you.
Time. Distance. Obstacles. Patience.
I wish I could embrace you.

Someday... I'll taste you. #Love

~ Erron R. Johnson

#Saved #Serving #StillStanding